Sweet and Sour Raw Papaya Chutney Recipe

Sweet and Sour Raw Papaya Chutney is a delicious dish that will tantalize your taste buds. The mix of sweet and sour tastes will be relished by people of all ages.

Sweet and Sour Raw Papaya Chutney Recipe

Sweet and Sour Raw Papaya Chutney Recipe


Recipe :

  • Step 1 Grate the papaya

    To prepare this chutney, first, cut the papaya into half. Peel the green skin of papaya and discard its seeds. Wash it properly. Then, take a plate and grate the papaya. Once it is done, keep aside.

  • Step 2 Cook the papaya

    Now, heat a wok. When the wok is hot, add the grated papaya with salt. Cook on low flame till the papaya becomes tender.

  • Step 3 Add sugar, raisins and cardamom

    Next, add sugar. Keep stirring continuously till the sugar dissolves with the papaya. Then add chopped raisins and cardamom powder. Mix well till the chutney becomes dry.

  • Step 4 Add lemon juice and serve

    Finally, add lemon juice and mix it with the prepares papaya mixture. Cook for a few minutes. Once it is done transfer to a serving bowl.