Ariselu Recipe

Ariselu or Arisa is an Indian sweet from South and South East India. It is very popular in states like Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Ariselu Recipe

Ariselu Recipe


  • 1 cup

For Dough :

For Garnishing :

  • 2 tablespoon

Recipe :

  • Step 1 Mix jaggery syrup with rice flour

    To prepare this easy dessert recipe, take the jaggery syrup in a large bowl and slowly add rice flour to it using a sieve. Now add, melted ghee and cardamom powder to it.

  • Step 2 Knead a dough

    Stir and mix the rice flour into jaggery syrup and knead it into a hard dough. Now take oil in a pan and put it over medium flame. Then, grease your hand with some oil to divide the dough into equal proportions, make round balls from the dough and then flatten it.

  • Step 3 Deep fry and serve

    Now, coat them with sesame seed and deep fry into hot oil. Fry from both sides until golden brown in colour. To remove excess oil press it hard between two spoons, garnish with sesame seed and few drop of Ghee. Serve hot!