Kaju Modak Recipe
If you are wondering how to make Kaju Modak at home, here is a super quick and easy Kaju Modak recipe that you have to try. On the lookout for the perfect Gudi Padwa sweet recipe? This Kaju Modak recipe will become your favourite that you will try every year. Different varieties of Modak is made across the country on the occassion of Gudi Padwa. A simple preparation using cashew nuts, sugar and water, this Cashew modak recipe is definitely going to you set you apart from the others.

Kaju Modak Recipe
- 500 gm sugar
Recipe :
Step 1 Prepare cashew nut paste
To start making these mouth-watering Kaju Modak, first, soak cashew nuts in water for about an hour. Later grind them using a mixer to get a fine paste.
Step 2 Prepare cashew nut and sugar mixture
Add sugar to water and bring it to a boil to prepare the sugar syrup. Next, heat a pan over a slow flame and cook cashew nut paste and sugar syrup for 10 minutes. Keep aside and let the mixture cool down.
Step 3 Give mixture the shape of modak
Once the mixture is cooled down, transfer into modak shaped moulds. Keep the mixture in the mould for 3-5 minutes. Take out the modaks once in shape.
Step 4 Serve the modaks
Allow them to settle at room temperature. Your delicious modaks are ready to be served.
Tips :
You can also cool your modaks and fully or partly cover them in chocolate.
You can use sugar free or stevia to make healthy Kaju Modaks.