Ciabatta Recipe
Ciabatta gets its name from the word ‘slipper’ and if you see this bread you will notice that the loaf is shaped just like a slipper! This easy to follow recipe only uses a few ingredients and provides a crusty bread with a mushy interior.

Ciabatta Recipe
Recipe :
Step 1 Knead the dough
If you have a stand mixer, place all ingredients in it, pick the dough cycle and start. Else, put flour, salt, sugar, yeast and water in a bowl and start kneading. The dough should look very sticky. No matter how much you want, don’t add more flour at this stage.
Step 2 Cover the dough with a clingfilm
Spread some flour on a dry and clean surface, and add dough on it. Cover with a greased clingwrap or a large bowl. Let it rest for 15 minutes.
Step 3 Let the dough rest for 45 minutes
Flour the baking sheets lightly. With a serrated or blunt knife, separate the total dough in half. Now give it an oval shape of 3x14 inch. Dust them lightly with flour and put it on the baking sheet. Cover them again and let them rest for 45 minutes to double up in size.
Step 4 Bake the bread for 25-30 minutes and serve fresh
Spray some water on the loaves while you preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Place it in the middle rack and bake for 25-30 minutes until the crust turns golden brown.
Tips :
Using a parchment sheet will help you clean your baking dish more easily.
If you use a stand mixer, mix the dough at lower speeds without putting the oil for 10 minutes.
If you are kneading this super sticky dough with your hand, use a wooden spoon to mix and resist the temptation of adding too much flour.