Palmiers Recipe

Palmiers is an authentic French recipe that is absolutely delicious and will become one of your favorites. Made using puff pastry sheets, granulated sugar, cinnamon powder and butter, this high tea recipe is the perfect treat to go along with a steaming hot cup of coffee or tea or milk. If you want to win over your kids with a mouth-watering delight, then this French recipe is perfect for you!

Palmiers Recipe

Palmiers Recipe


Recipe :

  • Step 1

    To prepare this high tea recipe, preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Now, place 1 of the puff pastry sheet on a flat surface that is dusted with 2 tablespoon of granulated sugar. Now, using a rolling pin, roll the puff pastry sheet. Drizzle 3 tablespoon of sugar over the rolled out pastry sheet and start folding the sheet towards the center. Start folding from the opposite side as well. Do this in a way that both rolled sides meet in the center. Using a knife, cut the ends on both sides. Repeat this with the other pastry sheets as well.

  • Step 2

    Once done, using a knife cut slices from the rolled and shaped pastry sheets to a thickness of 1-inch each. Sprinkle cinnamon over each piece along with remaining sugar. Brush each of the piece with melted butter and place these on a baking tray.

  • Step 3

    Place the baking tray in the preheated oven and bake the pastry for 15-20 minutes or until it turns shiny golden-brown in color. Once done, take it from the oven and allow these to cool. Serve these with a cup of coffee or tea to enjoy!You can also save them in glass jars for later consumption.