Cream Cheese Penguins Recipe

Cream cheese penguins is a creative and cute snack made with carrots, black olives, and cream cheese. It is perfect to make kids healthy in an innovative manner. Just use fresh olives and carrots to make the body on the penguin along with soft and fluffy cream cheese to add to the taste.

Cream Cheese Penguins Recipe

Cream Cheese Penguins Recipe


Recipe :

  • Step 1 Cut middle part of the olives

    At first, cut a lengthwise slit from each jumbo olive. Carefully insert cream cheese in the olives.

  • Step 2 Chop carrots

    Then, slice the carrot into 1/4 inch thick rounds. There should be 18 carrot slices.

  • Step 3 Make feet of the penguins

    For feet of penguins, place the carrot cut-outs and on top of that place the cream-cheese filled olives.

  • Step 4 Make beaks for the penguin head

    Cut small triangles from the leftover carrot. Press it into the centre of the small whole olive. That's how the head and the beak of the penguin is formed.

  • Step 5 Make whole penguins

    Now place the small olives on bigger ones to connect the head with the body of the penguin.

  • Step 6 Insert a toothpick

    Now insert a toothpick in the middle to secure the structure together.